Our culture loves making resolutions each New Year. People commit to lose weight, spend less money, and try new things. As 2009 draws to a close, we must not forget that the most important resolutions we can make are in regard to our faith.
We are reminded in one of the most thrilling verses in Revelation that “he who sat upon the throne said, ‘Behold, I make all things new’” (Rev 21:5).
First, we must remember that Christ has the power to transform us completely–from the inside out. In 2010, we have the opportunity to offer all of our joys, sufferings, triumphs, and failings to Christ, so He can make them new. Looking for a good New Years resolution this year? How about to be one step closer to sainthood….
For “Life offers only one tragedy in the end: not to have been a saint” (Leon Bloy). And Saint Thomas Becket reminds us, “The whole company of saints bears witness to the unfailing truth that without real effort no one wins the crown.” So let us jump wholeheartedly into this new year, by pursuing Christ more fervently than ever!
To grow more in your faith this Christmas season, visit http://www.CatholicsComeHome.org.